Monday, September 19, 2005

Shit Happens...


maaan!! how many times do i have to apologise in my own blog man!

okok..i DID promised photos in sections..BUT... shit happens... hehehe... the technician who's supposed to fix my computer SOMEHOW... screwed up my internal hard disk... but of course he said it wasnt him.. aniwae.. it was just one whole big mess! so had to get a new hard disk..

.... AND I LOST EVERYTHING....!!! history.. hehehe.. all gone all gone!! upset man..

but thank God my Bali pictures are still in my camera..and okok... this time is for REAL! i am uploading the pics now... so the pics will be up NOW!...

hey Will..!!! pleasantly surprised to see your message man! oh will.. i blogged about the BBQ that time ages ago.. oh.. and i have been readin your blog tooo... yeap! see you soon man!

oh..and cheryl.. i am in spore liaoooo.. heheeh...


fe li ci a said...

yes yes...

210 to Dubai..and not to Colombo....


Anonymous said...



anyway, safe trip back to uk babe! miss ya!
