it was a trial lesson and she wanted me to have a taste of it since we talked about joining Yoga classes before.
i must say... it was a... very... hour session of yogalates. i didnt daare to look at daph the whole time cos bursting out in laughter in the class would not be... very polite! hahahahah...
aniwae daph.. i told you that i didnt feel any aches that day rite.. but maan..the next day... my whooole aaabss area was like aching like heeell..!! ahahah..but i was glad. cos then at least i know i didnt work the wrong muscle! hho hoho ho....
aniwae... after yoga.... decided to go visit Cocoa (or Moka as daph likes to call it) hahahaha....and of course... Cocoa will have to stay in the cage while i was there.... i'm so sorry man...
and daph treated me to a Cream Cheese Ice Cream... while...
....showing off her completely brand new set of cutlery and other kitchen stuff....
and these plates are reaaally cooool maaan.. with the weird shapes and all...
she was really excited showing off her stuff i tell you....ahhahahha... she was showing me her flaaat plate in this pic....
hahahaha.... oke.. i know it's not the most glamourous pics of you... hahahaha... glad that you are playing happily with your new toys la daaph!
....and waiting for invitations from you man! hahahahha....
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