stelly the bunny..?!?!?!?!? where the poo did thaaat come from!!! AHHAHAHAH...was trying to make it rhymee man...stelly the bunny...HAHAHA..i'm a genius!
weeeeeeeelcomeeeeeeee baaaaaaaaaaack stellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....!!!and of course.... welcome partayy babeyyy.....(hahha..they rhyme again!!!!) (-_-)
pj's salad and fried egg tofu
stella brought Vindaloo....!! hahahah.... bet i got the name right! it's fish...and it's tasty. hahahaha... the kitchenidiot me can only describe the food above as such. 'fish' and 'tasty'..... and yeeess..i'm so gonna become a chef one day...
pj's vegetarian rice. with lots of veggie and raisins in the riceee..
pj's vegetarian curry...(from scratch man...)
hmm...very vege potluck today i must say...'s not true i always need MEAT oke... well oke fine... we had fish but still....!!! mainly vegiie.... ahhaha..but i NEED the vegie man...have been eating sausages with rice only for 2 days...getting sick of it...and getting malnutrition i tell you...
stella's Dholl Pourris...
with homemade sauce all the way from mauritious! (thanx stella's mommmy)
mango pickle and green chilli paste!!
this is how you wrap it before you eat it....
and this is how you eat it....!! "i like it dirty"-quoted from stella! hahahahah....
and i made baked salmon with mushrooms....hehehe..
pj and i decided to bake something for stella's welcome paaarrtaaayy... and so...
...we baked a cake! Chocolate Yoghurt Cake! nice hey?
mmmm...........yum. this is wat you see....
.....and this is wat you dont see! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA...
aaand of courseeee.... we had our picture taking war...
pj...5 pixel..but blur man!! ehhehehe....kiddinkiddin...
2 pink bunny chick (ahahha..that doesnt even make sense...)
pfuiiiii-wuiiiiiiiit........! (that's a whistle by the way....hate to have to explain my jokes..damn!)
pj...come join the fun maan...
aahahahahhaa..... check out another version of this at
Stella's !
i didnt burn the cake i didnt burn the cake i didnt burn the cake
pj the partaaay pooper! she's getting it....
last picture...look pretty pleaseeeee......
naaaaaaaaaaahh.... ahhahaha....pj actually looks damn funny even though half of her face was blocked...
wat's potluck without ugly pictures....
*satisfied smile*